We appreciate your interest in our paid releases! Below, you will find comprehensive documentation to assist you in getting started with our offerings. Please note that while some releases may not be listed initially, we continuously update our documentation to provide you with the latest information.
Getting Started
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How do I transfer an asset I purchased?
These are the steps to follow when transferring assets on Keymaster:
Begin by accessing the (opens in a new tab) website and finding the asset that requires transferring.
Next, select the dropdown menu located beside the download button and choose "Transfer to another account." You will then need to provide the account details to which you want to transfer the asset.
Once you have entered the account information, click "Transfer asset license." You will receive an email asking you to confirm the transfer. Once you have confirmed, the asset will be available in the other user's account.
Please note that once a transfer is complete, it cannot be reversed.
How do I fix the you lack the required entitlement error?
It appears that the resources you purchased are linked to a different CFX account. In order to utilize them on your server, it's necessary to transfer them to the account associated with your server keys. This can be done by navigating to your keymaster and selecting the transfer option instead of the download button.
Please note that if you are unable to use the transfer button, we will not be able to provide further assistance as the assets may have already been transferred. However, if you suspect that your keymaster has been hacked, we recommend changing your cfx account password immediately and contacting cfx to report the incident and request for the assets to be returned.
You can contact cfx via (opens in a new tab).
How do I fix the syntax error near '<\1>' error?
When encountering this error, there are two possible reasons that may have caused it. Firstly, if you used FileZilla to transfer files, it may have disrupted the script structure. In this case, it is advised to use WinSCP instead, which is designed to work seamlessly and without causing any issues.
Secondly, even if you did not use FileZilla, dragging and dropping files using Remote Desktop Control can also cause damage. To avoid this, please transfer the files in a zip folder and unzip them on the server. Avoid using the "drag and drop" method of moving files.
Lastly, it is important to note that your server may be outdated and requires an update. It should be at least 6683 or above to function properly and avoid any errors.
How do I fix the error parsing or Failed to load script error?
It seems that your server artifacts may be outdated, which could cause various issues and errors. To avoid these problems, we recommend that you update your server to version 6683 or above.
By updating your server artifacts, you ensure that all the necessary files and components are up-to-date and compatible with the latest features and functions. This can help to improve server performance, stability, and security, and ensure that your server runs as smoothly as possible.
To update your server, you can follow the instructions provided by your hosting provider. Typically, the update process involves downloading the latest server artifacts and replacing the existing ones with the new files though.
It is important to keep your server artifacts up-to-date to prevent any potential issues and ensure that your server runs optimally. Failure to update your server could result in compatibility problems, security vulnerabilities, and other issues that may negatively impact the performance of your server.
How do I fix the failed to verify protected resource error?
It appears that the files may have been corrupted during the transfer process. To prevent this from happening in the future, there are several steps you can take.
Firstly, ensure that all hidden files are copied during the transfer. Some files may not be visible by default, and some FTP programs may skip them during the transfer process. To ensure that all files are copied, you may need to adjust the settings of your FTP program to show hidden files.
Secondly, make sure that the .fxap file in a protected resource is included in the transfer. This file is essential for the proper functioning of the resource, and its absence may cause errors or malfunctions. To prevent this, ensure that the .fxap file is not excluded during the transfer process.
Lastly, consider using a more reliable and secure transfer method, such as SFTP or SCP, which are designed to handle large files and maintain their integrity during the transfer process. These protocols use encryption to secure the transfer and provide additional protection against file corruption or data loss.
In summary, to avoid file corruption during transfer, ensure that all hidden files are copied, include the .fxap file in protected resources, and use a reliable transfer method such as SFTP or SCP. By following these steps, you can prevent file corruption and ensure the proper functioning of your resources.
Customer Support
If you have any questions, concerns or require assistance, our dedicated staff team is here to help. Reach out to us via discord here (opens in a new tab). Thank you for choosing us and we hope you find value in your purchase and look forward to assisting you in any way we can!