
Tired of awkwardly stashing your gear where the sun doesn't shine? Say goodbye to uncomfortable weapon placements – embrace the convenience of our weapon sling!


  • Easily customize sling locations through the user-friendly config or the optional, player-centric interface. Put your weapons exactly where you want them.

  • Standalone and hassle-free, will work on any server.

  • Bridge system for those using frameworks with ox_inventory, qb-inventory and ps-inventory support by default.

  • Enjoy synchronized weapon positions across players, complete with attachments, tints, and weapon variants.

  • Embrace the ease of auto-slinging weapons onto your back. Say hello to a more practical and comfortable way of carrying your arsenal.

Click here (opens in a new tab) to purchase the escrowed version or here (opens in a new tab) to purchase the source.

Installation Instructions

  • Download the resource from here (opens in a new tab).

  • Unzip the resource, I personally use 7-Zip (opens in a new tab).

  • Drag the resource into your resources folder.

  • Add setr scully:uniqueKvpId "change-me" to your server.cfg and change the "change-me" to something unique (you may have already added this if you have my other resources) to prevent other servers saves from crossing into yours.

  • Add ensure scully_sling to your server.cfg file.


You can refresh the sling using the below event:

-- Client sided
-- Server sided
TriggerClientEvent('scully_sling:forceRefresh', source)


Change notification system:

exports.scully_sling:customNotify(function(type, text)
    local color = type == 'error' and '~r~' or (type == 'success' and '~g~' or '~w~')
    AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(('%s%s'):format(color, text))
    EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(true, true)