Law Enforcement
An easy to use LEO system with all the features you need to get your servers law enforcement up and running!
- Locale support.
- Native audio (audio source files included too).
- Ace permissions and can be used with any discord ace permission script.
- Department system.
- Duty system with support for locations or a command.
- 911 calls.
- Panic button.
- Duty blips to show the locations of other on duty law enforcement.
- GSR system with the ability to wash off gunshot residue in water with an animation.
- BAC system with a command to set blood alcohol content.
- Gunshot / shotspotter alerts.
- Tackle system.
- Ballistic shield.
- Hamz CAD support with the ability to run names, plates and send 911 calls.
- Ability to search for weapons.
- Cuff system with soft cuff, hard cuff and uncuff options, each one has an individual synced animation and will display cuffs on the player.
- Cutting pliers weapon which can be used to cut off handcuffs.
- Skillcheck to escape from being cuffed with a limit of 3 attempts which is reset when uncuffed.
- Revive option with synced CPR animation.
- Drag system with individual synced animations while uncuffed, cuffed and dead.
- Option to force sit a player.
- Option to place players in / out of vehicles.
- Jail system with support for seconds and minutes, also includes scenes for entering and exiting jail along with a mugshot scene.
- Jail jobs with the optional ability to reduce jail time and a cooldown system to prevent spamming the same job.
- Prop spawner with an option to delete props.
- Vehicle spawner with an option to delete vehicles, you can also choose which extras and liveries they spawn with and if they should spawn fully upgraded.
- Loadout options with an option to remove weapons.
- Outfit options.
- Left and right alignment support that can be toggled in the menu.
- Optional logs to log every action a law enforcement officer does.
- Logs to log how long a law enforcement officer was on duty.
- Option to disable vanilla cops.
- Optional quick binds to cuff, uncuff and drag players using keybinds.
- Marks nearby players when in the player options menu.
- Marks nearby props when hovering over the delete prop option.
Make sure to read the rest of the documentation for more information on what can be adjusted or disabled. There is also showcases linked at the bottom.
Installation Instructions
Download the resource from here (opens in a new tab).
Unzip the resource, I personally use 7-Zip (opens in a new tab).
Drag the resource into your
folder. -
Move the
to the same location as yourserver.cfg
. -
exec scully_lawenforcement.cfg
to the top of yourserver.cfg
file. -
ensure scully_lawenforcement
to yourserver.cfg
file. -
Add permissions by using the server.cfg or a discord ace permission system, I have included an example for scully_perms (opens in a new tab) below too.
Video tutorial by our affiliate Zino's HQ: Click Me! (opens in a new tab)
If you have the permission system enabled then follow one of the below methods.
Server.cfg method:
add_ace group.bcso group.bcso allow
add_principal identifier.discord:530698981920079882 group.bcso # Replace identifier with your own.
scully_perms method:
add_ace group.bcso group.bcso allow
Config = {
Debug = false,
Guild = '', -- Your discord guild ID. (Tutorial:
Token = '', -- Your discord bot token from the discord developer portal. (Tutorial:
Permissions = { -- Your permissions list, can be used as a string or table.
['lspd'] = 'roleid', -- Single role example.
['bcso'] = {'roleid', 'roleid2', 'roleid3'} -- Multiple roles example.
Main Config
A lot of options can be disabled or adjusted via the included cfg file.
setr scully:uniqueKvpId "change-me" # Set to something unique.
set scully:webhook:duty "false" # To enable this log replace "false" with "webhook url"
set scully:webhook:action "false" # To enable this log replace "false" with "webhook url"
set scully:webhook:jail "false" # To enable this log replace "false" with "webhook url"
set scully_lawenforcement:enablePermissions "true" # Set to "false" to allow anyone to use the menu.
set scully_lawenforcement:enableDutyBlips "true" # Set to "false" to disable the duty blips.
set scully_lawenforcement:cadUrl "" # The url for your CAD website.
set scully_lawenforcement:reviveEvent "scully_lawenforcement:revivePlayer" # Change the client event if you wish to use a different revive system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:menuKeybind "F5" # The keybind to open the LEO Menu. (
setr scully_lawenforcement:menuKeybindController "" # Same as above but with a controller. (
setr scully_lawenforcement:locale "en" # The language you wish to display the menu in.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enablePanicButtonCommand "true" # Set to "false" to disable the panic button command.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enable911Command "true" # Set to "false" to disable the 911 command.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableDepartmentCommand "true" # Set to "false" to disable the department command.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableDutyLocations "true" # Set to "false" if you want to go on-duty using a command instead.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableForceInactiveOffDuty "false" # Set to "true" if you want AFK players to automatically go off-duty after 10 minutes.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableCad "true" # Set to "false" if you don't wish to use the integrated Hamz CAD support.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableJailSystem "true" # Set to "false" to disable the jail system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableJailEnterScene "true" # Set to "false" to disable the bus scene.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableJailExitScene "true" # Set to "false" to disable the walk out scene.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableJailMugshotScene "true" # Set to "false" to disable the mugshot scene.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableJailJobs "true" # Set to "false" to disable the jail jobs.
setr scully_lawenforcement:jailInMinutes "true" # Set to "false" if you wish to jail in seconds instead.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableWeaponSearch "true" # Set to "false" to disable the weapon search option.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableSearchCuffRequirement "false" # Set to "true" to require players to be cuffed before searching.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableGSR "true" # Set to "false" to disable the GSR system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableBAC "true" # Set to "false" to disable the BAC system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:gsrWashTime 10000 # Change to adjust how long it takes to wash gunshot residue off. Default is 10 seconds.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enablePropSpawner "true" # Set to "false" to disable the prop system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableVehicleSpawner "true" # Set to "false" to disable the vehicle spawner.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableLoadoutOptions "true" # Set to "false" to disable the loadout options.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableOutfitOptions "true" # Set to "false" to disable the outfit menu.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableGunshotAlerts "true" # Set to "false" to disable the gunshot / shotspotter alerts.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableCuffProps "true" # Set to "false" if you don't want players to have visible handcuffs while cuffed.
setr scully_lawenforcement:cuffClothingIds [7, 41, 25] # Drawable ID, Male variation ID, Female variation ID.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableCuffKeys [1, 2, 38, 47, 245, 249] # Keybinds that are enabled while cuffed.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableBreakOutCuffs "true" # Set to "false" if you don't want to allow players to break out of cuffs.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableEscapeCuffs "true" # Set to "false" if you don't want to allow players to escape from being cuffed.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableRevive "true" # Set to "false" to disable the revive option.
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableQuickBinds "true" # Set to "false" to disable the quick bind system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:quickBinds ['NUMPAD7', 'NUMPAD4', 'NUMPAD1'] # First keybind = Soft Cuff, Second keybind = Hard Cuff, Third keybind = Drag
setr scully_lawenforcement:enableTackle "true" # Set to "false" to disable the tackle system.
setr scully_lawenforcement:tackleKeybind "G" # The keybind to tackle another player.
Data Files
There is a data
folder included which includes some files which can be used to configure the following:
- Blocked scenarios and scenario types for the vanilla cop disabler.
- CAD status strings.
- 10-Codes and alerts used in the alert system.
- Departments and their locations.
- Jail location, max distance, mugshot configuration and jail jobs.
- Department loadouts including ballistic shield.
- Weapons used to break cuffs.
- Seat index table to adjust the seats used in models that do not use the rear seats, required for some Australian vehicles.
- Department outfits for both male and female.
- Props that can be spawned in the menu.
- Department vehicles that can be spawned in the menu, you can also use this to adjust what extras and livery the vehicles should spawn with and if it should spawn fully upgraded.
- Weapons that are ignored by the gunshot / shotspotter alerts.
- Weapon labels used in the weapon search feature.
Change notification system:
exports.scully_lawenforcement:customNotify(function(type, text)
local color = type == 'error' and '~r~' or (type == 'success' and '~g~' or '~w~')
AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(('%s%s'):format(color, text))
EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(true, true)
Adjust drag animations:
local modes = {
['normal'] = {
animation = {'dict', 'anim'},
position = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
['cuffed'] = {
animation = {'dict', 'anim'},
position = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
return modes[mode]
Nearby player interaction exports
local scully_lawenforcement = exports.scully_lawenforcement
scully_lawenforcement:checkGSR() -- Check for gunshot residue
scully_lawenforcement:checkBAC() -- Check blood alcohol content
scully_lawenforcement:togglePlayerCuffs(true --[[Should hardcuff?]]) -- Toggle cuffs
scully_lawenforcement:uncuffPlayer() -- Uncuff
scully_lawenforcement:softCuffPlayer() -- Soft cuff
scully_lawenforcement:hardCuffPlayer() -- Hard cuff
scully_lawenforcement:revivePlayer() -- Revive
scully_lawenforcement:togglePlayerDrag() -- Toggle drag
scully_lawenforcement:forceSitPlayer() -- Make sit
scully_lawenforcement:seatPlayerInVehicle() -- Place in / out of vehicle
Jail exports
local scully_lawenforcement = exports.scully_lawenforcement
scully_lawenforcement:jailPlayer() -- Jail nearby player
scully_lawenforcement:unjailPlayer(1 --[[Server ID]]) -- Unjail player using server ID
Server sided export to update the cheater removal function:
exports.scully_lawenforcement:customCheaterRemoval(function(source, reason)
DropPlayer(source, reason)
Server sided export which will return the amount of players on duty:
local onDutyCount = exports.scully_lawenforcement:getOnDutyCount()
Check if a player is a law enforcement officer:
local isLEO = LocalPlayer.state.isLEO
Check if a player is on duty:
local onDuty = LocalPlayer.state.onduty
Check what department a player is in:
local department = LocalPlayer.state.department
Check if a player has gunshot residue:
local hasGSR = LocalPlayer.state.gsr
Check a players blood alcohol content:
local BAC = LocalPlayer.state.BAC
Check if a law enforcement officer is dragging a player:
local dragging = LocalPlayer.state.dragging
Check if a player is being dragged:
local dragged = LocalPlayer.state.dragged
Check if a player is cuffed:
local cuffed = LocalPlayer.state.cuffed
local hardcuffed = cuffed and cuffed == 'hard'
local softcuffed = cuffed and cuffed == 'soft'
Disable cuffed animation:
LocalPlayer.state:set('disableCuffAnims', true --[[Change to toggle cuffed animation]], true)
Check if a player is jailed:
local isJailed = LocalPlayer.state.jailed
- Duty locations (opens in a new tab)
- Information check and alignment adjustment (opens in a new tab)
- Player options (opens in a new tab)
- Revive option (opens in a new tab)
- Drag animation for dead players (opens in a new tab)
- Cutting pliers to break off cuffs (opens in a new tab)
- Players cuff POV showing escape prompt (opens in a new tab)
- BAC command (opens in a new tab)
- Washing off GSR (opens in a new tab)
- Jail system, cop POV (opens in a new tab)
- Jail system, player POV (opens in a new tab)
- Prop spawner, vehicle spawner, loadouts, ballistic shield and outfits (opens in a new tab)
Resmon (opens in a new tab)